Servant Leader
I am from Oklahoma, and I have recently graduated from Holy Apostles College and Seminary. I enjoy the outdoors and seeking the beauty of the world in the moment. My passion is rooted in the depths of thought and seeking God through the conversion of the heart to the Divine Will. Which drives me to strive to help others find the truth through encountering God, particularly in the Eucharist.

Servant Leader
I grew up in Cedar Rapids, IA and graduated from the University of Northern Iowa with a degree in Communication. I enjoy going on adventures in the great outdoors and exploring new churches! I am excited to return to SPIRITUS this year and continue to serve in this beautiful ministry!

Discipleship Intern
I'm originally from Michigan, and I just graduated from the University of Notre Dame, where I studied Theology and Spanish. In my free time I enjoy going for walks, thrifting, and reading. Throughout high school and college I was blessed to have several mentors who helped me to grow in love for God and my Catholic faith, and I hope to do the same for others through SPIRITUS!

Discipleship Intern
I am from Austin, Texas and I am the oldest of 4 siblings and 21 cousins. I enjoy swimming, going on epic adventures with my cousins and siblings, and leading people to discover Christ's healing, transforming, resurrecting divine love. I hope to show the youth of Wisconsin, through the witness of my own life and spiritual journey, that Christ's promises are indeed true, that He has come to bring us “life to the full” (Jn 10:10) and that He, who is "the truth," (Jn 14:6) "will set you free." (Jn 8:32). Indeed, Christ has redeemed the world!

Youth Ministry Intern
I am from Buffalo, NY and am in the middle of getting my bachelor's degree in Theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville. However, I am taking this year to listen to the Lord's call in my life to serve as a missionary on SPIRITUS' team. I enjoy singing, being in nature, and exploring church architecture! I am looking forward to seeing where the Lord will lead me during this year of mission.

Youth Ministry Intern
Hey y'all! I am from Houston, TX and graduated from Ave Maria University with a B.A. in Theology and a minor in Communications. On Ascension Sunday 2024, I perceived the Lord calling me to return to ministry--which ultimately led me to SPIRITUS! I look forward to carrying out the Great Commission with SPIRITUS this year!

Youth Ministry Intern
I am from Omaha, NE. I am the youngest of three and have two older sisters. I have a passion for Dr. Pepper, love playing video games and talking about the Mass. I am excited to see how the Lord changes my heart and the hearts of the kids I will be working with.

Youth Ministry Intern
I grew up near Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I graduated from Iowa State University and worked as an engineer for a bit before becoming a seminarian for the Archdiocese of Dubuque. As part of minor seminary formation I most recently graduated in May with a Philosophy degree from Loras College. I am looking forward to seeing how God works in my own life and the lives of those I will serve during this year of SPIRITUS.

Social Media Intern
I grew up In Illinois but have been living in Wisconsin for almost 6 years now! I graduated recently from University of Wisconsin Milwaukee studying film and animation. You can often find me outdoors soaking the sun, or petting a cute dog. God has greatly transformed my life through the Holy Spirit and the Eucharist, and I’m super pumped to serve at Spiritus this year and show others the love of Jesus Christ!

Retreat Team
My name is Joseph Ruscoe. I am a first-year missionary and a cradle Catholic. I was born into a military family and I moved everywhere!

Retreat Team
I’m from small town Gallitzin, PA and just graduated from Saint Francis University with a degree in chemistry. I enjoy traveling, playing music with friends, and hanging out at coffee shops. I’ve always felt closest to Christ during the mission trips I’ve participated in during college so I am excited to spend a year devoted to mission!

Retreat Team
I’m from Leander, TX, the oldest of six siblings, and a graduate of Norwich University. I enjoy learning about my faith and the history of the Church. I enjoy playing strategy games with my friends and woodworking.

Retreat Team
I am from Central Texas and the oldest of four. I enjoy the outdoors and playing sports. I have a devotion to the hearts of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph and I can't wait to share it with the youth in Wisconsin!

Retreat Team
I am from Onalaska, Wisconsin. I enjoy sharing joy with others, singing, and nerding out about architecture. I am happy and blessed to come share my life with the people of Green Bay.

Retreat Team
I am a cradle Catholic from NH! I was homeschooled my whole life and some of my favorite things to do are play piano, go to the beach, paint, ski, and work on my cross-stitch! In early 2024 I opened my Etsy shop ArtbyMariaRose where I sell my Catholic art. I am beyond excited to serve with SPIRITUS and can't wait to see what the Lord has in store!

Retreat Team
I’m from Denver, CO and recently graduated from St. Mary’s University in Twickenham, England. I have enjoyed traveling throughout Europe these past few years and also find joy in playing music, reading (especially fantasy and theology books), and talking about Jesus with others! I’m so excited to be a part of SPIRITUS team 16 and be able to share Christ’s light and love with the youth of Wisconsin!
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(920) 772-8918